New York Times intl News

New York Times intl News

Obama, on College Campuses, Seeks Students’ Votes

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 07:30 PM PDT

The Obama campaign is trying to expand its numbers and support among young voters, a group that tends to go to the polls at lower rates than older voters.

U.N. Sees Bleak Outlook for Gaza Unless Services Are Improved

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 06:13 PM PDT

Gaza may not be "a livable place" by 2020 unless intensive efforts are made to improve infrastructure and services in fields like energy, health, water and sanitation, a United Nations report concluded this week.

Former Wife of Child Killer Is Released in Belgium

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 04:23 PM PDT

The release of Michelle Martin, former wife and accomplice of the convicted child killer Marc Dutroux, infuriated families of victims of crimes that shocked the world 20 years ago.

Court Rules Israel Is Not at Fault in American Activist’s Death

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 03:15 PM PDT

"An individual is responsible for his or her own actions, and that includes standing in front of a bulldozer," writes AY in Tel Aviv.

Active in Cloud, Amazon Reshapes Computing

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 03:15 PM PDT

"Knowledge workers, with their 'skills for the 21st Century' are already being eliminated," writes Pete.

Stiff Test Facing E.C.B. Chief

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 07:10 PM PDT

In the coming month, Mario Draghi will be under pressure to provide details of his plan to shore up the euro zone's weaker member nations by buying their bonds.

Catalonia Asks Spanish Government for Emergency Funds

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 03:29 PM PDT

The request from the most economically important region of Spain underscores a growing regional debt burden as the country struggles to pull out of its economic tailspin.

Russian Activists Criticize 8-Year Drug Sentence for Taisiya Osipova

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 03:45 PM PDT

Supporters say that the charges against Taisiya Osipova, who was convicted for possessing and selling heroin, were fabricated in retaliation for her work in opposition to Russia's president, Vladimir V. Putin.

Ryan Hard at Work on the Speech of His Life

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 03:27 PM PDT

As Paul D. Ryan prepares his vice-presidential acceptance speech, advisers are playing down Palin-like expectations, well aware that he might be sharing screen time with a hurricane.

Typhoon Hits N. Korea, Still Reeling From Floods

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 07:10 PM PDT

A powerful typhoon that killed at least 10 people in South Korea hit the North early Wednesday, knocking down hundreds of trees, destroying power cables and causing blackouts in a country already struggling to rebuild from earlier flooding.

Piracy Around Horn of Africa Has Plunged, U.S. Says

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 06:13 PM PDT

The Navy credits aggressive patrolling by international forces and increased vigilance by the commercial shipping industry for the decrease.

The Caucus: Ann Romney Gets Ready for Her Big Night

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 09:11 AM PDT

Never before has Ann Romney been on such a stage with so many millions watching.

Delegates Anoint Mitt Romney as Nominee

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 06:20 PM PDT

Mitt Romney's pursuit of the Republican presidential nomination culminated Tuesday when the delegates gathered in Tampa officially made him their choice to reclaim the White House from the Democrats.

Sharp Rise in Syrian Refugees to Jordan and Turkey

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 06:47 PM PDT

The United Nations refugee agency said that 10,200 Syrians had crossed into Jordan last week, and Syrian activists reported deadly government airstrikes in Idlib, near Turkey.

Chris Christie a Masterly Speaker and Tea Party Pleaser

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 08:04 AM PDT

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, known for unscripted moments, will give the keynote address to the first Republican convention at which Tea Party insurgents will join establishment party members.

Special Report: Venice Film Festival: World's Oldest Cinematic Fest Turns 80

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 07:35 AM PDT

The Venice Film Festival, which runs through Sept. 8, will screen new films from 41 countries and will revisit old movies like 'Heaven's Gate.'

Special Report: Venice Film Festival: Alberto Barbera Returns to the Venice Film Festival

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 07:05 AM PDT

Ousted from the film festival in 2002, Alberto Barbera is back and plans to shake things up.

Hurricane Isaac Makes Landfall in Louisiana

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 07:27 PM PDT

The storm hit southeastern Louisiana on Tuesday night as a Category 1 hurricane, with sustained winds of 80 miles per hour.

German at European Central Bank at Odds With Country’s Policy Makers

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 09:02 AM PDT

The top German official at the European Central Bank defended its plans to intervene in bond markets as a way of lowering borrowing costs for business.

Mitt Romney’s Sons Campaign for Their Father

Posted: 28 Aug 2012 12:15 PM PDT

For a campaign struggling to humanize its candidate, the Romney clan provides a camera-ready tableau for a point his advisers want to underscore: Policies aside, Mitt Romney is a successful father.