LA Times News

LA Times News

Syria Christian refugees in Lebanon fear Islamist rebels

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 07:05 PM PDT

Christians, a minority in Syria, have in general tried to stay out of the conflict, but they fear Islamist rebels will target them, refugees in Lebanon say.

ZAHLE, Lebanon — For most of the refugees streaming across the border into Lebanon, Syrian President Bashar Assad is to blame for the violence back home and the rebel effort to oust him is laudable. For the traumatized Christians among them, it's often the opposite.

Syria official says Bashar Assad resignation could be considered

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 07:06 PM PDT

Deputy Prime Minster Qadri Jamil says 'there is nothing off the table,' including President Bashar Assad's resignation, if the opposition agrees to talk.

BEIRUT — A senior Syrian official hinted Tuesday that President Bashar Assad's resignation might be considered if the opposition agreed to negotiate a peaceful settlement to the 17-month-old conflict.

Ethiopia to continue late leader's fight against militants

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 04:47 PM PDT

Ethiopia seeks to assure the U.S. and other allies that the death of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi will not affect the regional fight against Al Qaeda affiliates.

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — Washington relied for years on Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to help crush Islamist terrorist groups in the volatile Horn of Africa.

Israel leader Benjamin Netanyahu denounces beating of Arab teen

Posted: 21 Aug 2012 05:06 PM PDT

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the perpetrators of the racist attack on a Palestinian will be brought to justice. Seven Jewish teens are held.

JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday condemned the brutal beating of a Palestinian teenager by a gang of Jewish youths shouting anti-Arab slurs.

Obama warns Syria against using chemical or biological weapons

Posted: 20 Aug 2012 05:18 PM PDT

Obama says, 'That's a red line for us ... there would be enormous consequences' if Bashar Assad appeared to be preparing to use poison gas or biological weapons.

WASHINGTON — Conceding that a peaceful resolution in Syria now appears remote, President Obama warned Monday for the first time that use or movement of chemical or biological weapons by forces loyal to President Bashar Assad would constitute a "red line" for U.S. military intervention.