LA Times News

LA Times News

South Africa police open fire on striking miners

Posted: 16 Aug 2012 05:20 PM PDT

As many as 18 were reported killed at a South Africa platinum mine when police tried to disperse workers after a week of violence between competing unions.

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — Police opened fire Thursday on striking workers at a South African platinum mine, leaving as many as 18 dead, according to authorities and news reports.

At least 60 killed in suspected massacre in Syria

Posted: 17 Aug 2012 12:00 AM PDT

The bodies, found in a Damascus suburb's landfill, are among an estimated 200 people killed across Syria.

BEIRUT — At least 60 charred bodies were found Thursday in a suburb of the Syrian capital of Damascus in what activists described as another massacre committed by government forces.

China leaders' summer retreat to Beidaihe shrouded in secrecy

Posted: 16 Aug 2012 06:05 PM PDT

Unlike their predecessors Mao Tse-tung and Zhou Enlai, China's present leaders remain behind closed doors during their annual summer retreat to Beidaihe.

BEIDAIHE, China — Celebrity sightings used to be part of the fun in Beidaihe, the summertime retreat of the Chinese Communist Party.

Mexico journalists' killings solved? Critics doubt it

Posted: 17 Aug 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Veracruz state authorities say drug cartel members responsible for killing five news workers have been arrested or slain. An advocacy group doesn't buy it.

MEXICO CITY — With rare speed, authorities in the violence-plagued coastal state of Veracruz say they have solved the killings of five journalists and news media workers, pinning the slayings on two notorious drug cartels.

Ecuador grants political asylum to Julian Assange

Posted: 16 Aug 2012 05:01 PM PDT

There appears to be no end in sight to the impasse between Ecuador, whose London embassy has given refuge to the WikiLeaks founder, and Britain, which wants to extradite him to Sweden.

LONDON — Britain doesn't want him. Ecuador does. Therein lies a very large rub.

In Israel, debate rages over Netanyahu's threats to attack Iran

Posted: 16 Aug 2012 04:12 PM PDT

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may have painted himself into a corner by threatening a unilateral strike against Iran's nuclear program, critics say.

JERUSALEM — Whether serious or a bluff,Israel'spublic threats to attackIran'snuclear development program are widely credited for bringing U.S. pressure and international sanctions against Tehran this year.

India anti-corruption movement splinters

Posted: 17 Aug 2012 12:00 AM PDT

One side led by yoga guru Baba Ramdev regroups after a disrupted march, while advisors in Anna Hazare's camp fight among themselves.

NEW DELHI — Popular anti-corruption activist and Indian yoga guru Baba Ramdev was lying low Thursday after an eventful week as all sides tried to assess whether widespread public anger over graft will be channeled into a new political party, resurface in another mass demonstration or dissipate, allowing the flow of dirty money to continue uninterrupted.

NATO chopper crash in southern Afghanistan kills 11

Posted: 16 Aug 2012 05:07 AM PDT

At least 3 Americans are among the dead. The cause of the crash is being investigated.

The NATO-led international military coalition says a helicopter crash in Afghanistan has killed 11 people including seven international service members.