"MSN Headlines" Reader

"MSN Headlines" Reader

Video: NATO relief ships arrive in Libya

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:47 PM PDT

April 4: While Libyans in Benghazi complain that NATO isn't doing enough to help rebel forces, two relief ships ferried hundreds of wounded from Misrata and western Libya to Tunisia and Turkey. NBC's Richard Engel reports.  (Nightly News)While Libyans in Benghazi complain that NATO isn't doing enough to help rebel forces, two relief ships ferried hundreds of wounded from Misrata and western Libya to Tunisia and Turkey. NBC's Richard Engel reports. (Nightly News)

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Video: Southwest struggling to recover from air scare

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:41 PM PDT

April 4: Southwest Airlines said they hoped to be back to normal service by mid-day Tuesday after last Friday's near disaster forced the cancellation of another 70 flights. NBC's Tom Costello reports.  (Nightly News)Southwest Airlines said they hoped to be back to normal service by mid-day Tuesday after last Friday's near disaster forced the cancellation of another 70 flights. NBC's Tom Costello reports. (Nightly News)

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11-hour work days harm your heart, study shows

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:24 PM PDT

People who regularly work long hours may be significantly increasing their risk of developing heart disease, the world's biggest killer, British scientists said Monday.

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Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:24 PM PDT

Video: Trial for 9/11 attacks moved to Guantanamo

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:45 PM PDT

April 4: The Obama Administration originally planned to try professed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York, but Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday that Congress gave him no choice but to move it. NBC's Pete Williams reports.  (Nightly News)The Obama Administration originally planned to try professed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York, but Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday that Congress gave him no choice but to move it. NBC's Pete Williams reports. (Nightly News)

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Video: Protests continue over U.S. Koran burning

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:12 PM PDT

April 4: Angry anti-American protests continue in Afghanistan after an anti-Muslim pastor burns a Koran in Florida. NBC's Atia Abawi reports.  (Nightly News)Angry anti-American protests continue in Afghanistan after an anti-Muslim pastor burns a Koran in Florida. NBC's Atia Abawi reports. (Nightly News)

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Video: Yale investigated for 'hostile sexual environment'

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:00 PM PDT

April 5: One of this country's most prestigious universities is under federal investigation after being accused of mishandling allegations of sexual misconduct. NBC's Rehema Ellis reports.  (Nightly News)One of this country's most prestigious universities is under federal investigation after being accused of mishandling allegations of sexual misconduct. NBC's Rehema Ellis reports. (Nightly News)

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Video: Taking the fight against hunger on a stadium tour

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:08 PM PDT

April 4: Making A Difference: Thanks to the Rock and Wrap it Up program, good food left over from sporting events and concerts doesn't have to go to waste. NBC's Peter Alexander reports.  (Nightly News)Making A Difference: Thanks to the Rock and Wrap it Up program, good food left over from sporting events and concerts doesn't have to go to waste. NBC's Peter Alexander reports. (Nightly News)

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McDonald's wants to redefine the McJob

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 02:15 PM PDT

To get the word out, McDonald's will be supplementing its recruitment drive with an ad campaign that describes the advantages of working under the golden arches — including flexible hours, medical benefits and opportunities for advancement.As McDonald's seeks to beef up its workforce, it's also trying to upgrade its image as the poster child for low-wage jobs by redefining the term "McJob."

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9/11 suspects' military trials face many legal challenges

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:28 PM PDT

The move to try accused Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others in military courts in Guantanamo, Cuba, will likely face years of legal challenges, experts predict.

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Judge edits racy recordings in Rajaratnam trial

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 12:58 PM PDT

A judge made the high-profile insider trading trial of Galleon Group hedge fund founder Raj Rajaratnam less risque on Monday, deleting portions of phone taps to be heard by the jury.

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Following security breach, expect a lot of spam

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 11:34 AM PDT

A major security breach that exposed countless customer emails. Here's what you need to know.

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Posted: 04 Apr 2011 11:34 AM PDT

Republicans maneuver for cuts as shutdown looms

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 02:58 PM PDT

Rep. Paul Ryan speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington Feb. 10, 2011. Congressional Republicans maneuvered on two fronts Monday in the federal spending showdown, demanding Democrats agree to more than $33 billion in swift cuts to avoid a government shutdown, even as they readied a separate plan to slash deficits by a staggering $4 trillion over a decade.

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Tijuana newspaper stands up to drug cartels

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 02:52 PM PDT

The weekly Zeta magazine has set a standard for aggressive coverage of Mexican drug traffickers and complicit government officials. The first time Adela Navarro saw her longtime mentor cry was when a top editor at their muckraking newspaper was murdered leaving a health clinic with his two young children.

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Pandora subpoenaed in apps privacy probe

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 01:18 PM PDT

Online radio service Pandora Media Inc said it has been subpoenaed by a Federal grand jury investigating the use of customer data by certain popular applications that run on mobile platforms of Apple Inc and Google Inc's Android.

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Hot wheels? Moms vie for $1,500 stroller

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 07:07 AM PDT

Trendy mamas are buzzing about the latest gotta-have status symbol: Bugaboo's new Donkey stroller. The price tag? A cool $1,500 — and it's selling out before even getting to stores. Really?Trendy mamas are buzzing about the latest gotta-have status symbol: Bugaboo's new Donkey stroller. The price tag? A cool $1,500 — and it's selling out before even getting to stores. Really?

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Libya war a showcase for new weapons

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:18 PM PDT

A radar station damaged by western airstrikes as seen from a bus in Tripoli on March 25. To take out Moammar Gadhafi's air defenses, western powers such as France and Italy are using the very aircraft and weapons that only months ago they were showing off to the Libyan leader.

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GOP budget: courage or political suicide?

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 07:33 AM PDT

The plan that House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan will unveil on Tuesday -- which would revamp Medicare and Medicaid -- is either a profile in courage, political suicide, or both.

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AirTran is No. 1 in airline quality study

Posted: 04 Apr 2011 12:05 PM PDT

Low-cost carrier AirTran had the best overall performance of the 16 largest U.S. carriers last year in an annual study of airline quality released Monday.

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