New York Times intl News

New York Times intl News

Economic Scene: The Real Problem With China

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 05:55 PM PST

For the United States, the main trouble with China's economy is probably intellectual property theft, followed by protectionist barriers to trade.

Bit by Bit, a Mexican Police Force Is Eradicated

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:38 PM PST

Érika Gándara, police chief of Guadalupe Distrito Bravos, disappeared in December, an ominous punctuation mark on a town's wave of terror.

With Leader Digging In, Civilians Pay the Price

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:27 PM PST

A bloody raid by Ivory Coast security forces were ordered by Laurent Gbagbo, the strongman who refuses to step down despite losing last year's presidential election.

Police Say They Visited Tucson Suspect’s Home Even Before Rampage

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:38 PM PST

The police said they were reviewing the details of their calls to the home of Jared L. Loughner, who was described by a friend as having embraced nihilism.

Threats to Lawmakers Rarely Lead to Charges

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:06 PM PST

A review of hundreds of cases demonstrates just how hard it is to discern the real threats from mere bluster.

Legal Strategy Could Hinge on Mental Assessment

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:23 PM PST

Because of changes made after John Hinckley was acquitted for trying to kill President Reagan, the lawyers for Jared L. Loughner will find it difficult to argue the insanity defense.

Zardari Ally to Succeed Slain Official in Pakistan

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 06:44 PM PST

Sardar Muhammad Latif Khan Khosa was appointed to lead Punjab in place of the assassinated Salman Taseer.

Violent Unrest Breaks Out In Tunisian Capital

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 04:10 PM PST

Police dispersed a crowd ransacking buildings in a Tunis suburb on Tuesday — the first clash to hit the capital during the weeks of violence that have rocked the country.

Books of The Times: Throwing Mud and Calling It Beautiful

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 04:55 PM PST

The French writers Michel Houellebecq and Bernard-Henri Lévy provoke each other in letters, then feign shock.

Rising Chinese Inflation to Show Up in U.S. Imports

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:13 PM PST

The 5.1 percent rise in Chinese consumer prices in November understated the actual inflation rate, which economists said might be twice as high.

Global Soccer: The Best Player on Earth Is Looking for a Job

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 04:46 PM PST

Marta was named the top women's player in soccer for the fifth straight year, but she is still without an employer after her club imploded in November.

Music Review: ‘Tosca,’ With Tinkering, Cooler Tempers and a Fill-In Tenor

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 02:13 PM PST

The "Tosca" created by the Swiss director Luc Bondy, revived at the Metropolitan Opera, shows some improvement over its initial run.

Euronews to Put a Face on Some of Its Stories

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 11:55 AM PST

The news channel, which has avoided showing journalists on air because of its polyglot approach, said it will begin showing reporters conducting interviews or moderating talk shows.

Belarus Opposition Lobbies E.U. to Adopt New Strategy

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 11:36 AM PST

The country's 16 democratic movements are advising the bloc to cut contacts with the Belarussian leadership while strengthening nongovernmental organizations.

Renault to File Complaint in Suspected Spying

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 05:20 PM PST

The lawyer for one of the men accused of industrial espionage by Renault called on the company to make its allegations public, while China denied spying on Renault's electric vehicle program.

News Analysis: Foreigners Shun Europe’s Bonds, and Debt Piles Up

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 03:20 PM PST

Greece, Ireland and Portugal all tapped domestic banks after they'd been shut out of international bond markets.

Doctors Say Giffords’s Condition Points to Survival

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:39 PM PST

Doctors said that Representative Gabrielle Giffords had a "101 percent chance of survival," but that it was unclear what her recovery would look like.

Oil Spill Panel Calls for New Rules and Spending

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 05:45 PM PST

The presidential panel warned that unless industry practices improved, another accident was inevitable.

Test of Stealth Fighter Clouds Gates Visit to China

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 05:47 PM PST

A jet test was conducted only hours before Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates met with President Hu Jintao.

DealBook: Goldman Releases Report on Its Practices

Posted: 11 Jan 2011 07:05 AM PST

The investment bank will also be giving investors a more-detailed look into its financials, starting with a restatement of its third-quarter results.